There is a statement that even with a small genital organ you can be great in bed. However, this will not give credence to a man, and it is difficult to be popular among women. So it is better to acknowledge your problem and start solving it.
Today there are many different pills, creams, sprays, gels for penis enlargement. But spending money for this is impractical, because basically all this is just a marketing move by the manufacturer and they will not bring profit. Therefore, the best and safest way to enlarge your penis is to train at home. The advantage of this physical training is that you do not have to spend money to do it.
It should be noted that modern medical tests have proven the benefits and effectiveness of this exercise.
How such training is conducted
There are many exercises to lengthen or thicken the penis. Both hands and aids are used, for example, weights, thanks to which you can stretch the penis.
Important!Beginners should not practice for more than 10-15 minutes. Further, the duration can be increased to half an hour a day, but a sudden transition is not possible.
The best time to exercise is in the morning or evening. The main thing is order and patience. You can not expect immediate results, everything comes with time.
Ready for training
Any exercise must begin with warm-up. In this case, in the most accurate sense. Water procedures are a necessary training element. A warm bath or shower is best, but soak a piece of cloth in warm water.
To increase the length
Exercises should be done quickly, as the penis cannot cool. He should not be completely erect, so you should think of something unpleasant.
You need to hold the head or slightly lower and pull in front of you and hold this position for 15 seconds. This is followed by a short break. Next, you need to pull the penis to the right, hold it for 15 seconds, then relax a little more, and then everything is the same, just on the left. And in a circle for 10-15 minutes.
Tip:Do not stretch your penis too much, or you may be injured. Tension should be felt, not pain. You can also massage your penis to allow blood flow during your rest, which increases the effectiveness of the exercise.
To increase the thickness
Penis exercises should be done with a partial erection, and also only after lubrication with a lubricating gel (lubricant). The genitals must be warm after bathing, bathing or wiping with a damp cloth.
You need to grip the root of the penis with your thumb and forefinger to form a circle of fingers. Therefore, you need to massage the penis from root to head for 10-15 minutes. Return to starting position, then relax a bit and do the same with the other hand.
The results can be seen by doing this exercise every day for several months.
For foreskin
The penis should be completely erect, there is no need to lubricate it.
You need to grip the base of the penis with one hand and pull the skin towards the head with the other hand. The skin should be pulled rather tightly and kept in this position until the erection is reduced. Relax, then return to an upright position and repeat this exercise for 10 minutes.
This exercise should be done daily to form a nice, thick foreskin.
Flexible Penis
To enlarge your penis, you need to do this exercise. However, this should be done very carefully, as it can injure the penis.
Need to bend the penis with a 50% erection. You need to wrap your arms around it and rotate it in different directions. Enough to do exercises for 7-10 minutes.
Important!If pain is felt during exercise, stop.
Here you need a simulator where the penis will be squeezed at the base. You need to achieve an erection completely, and then squeeze the organ for a few minutes (2-3 minutes is enough).
This exercise improves blood circulation, increases sensitivity and speeds up erections. It is best to practice with others.
Kegel Exercise
Exercise will not increase the length or thickness of the penis, but will increase erectile function. Good for penis muscles.
You need to tighten the perineum muscles, improve position for 10 seconds, then relax, inhale, and tighten the muscles again. Do this exercise 2-3 times a day.
To understand where these muscles are, you need to hold back the flow while urinating. Muscles that have been tense are the muscles involved in exercise.
Important!Do not exercise with a full bladder, before that you must go to the toilet.
This exercise has a good effect on male strength, as the penis is supplied with blood.
Rotate the member 360 degrees clockwise and counterclockwise for 30 seconds. You need to repeat it 5 times.
Penis Massage
Penis enlargement massage is a type of exercise. It improves erectile function and blood flow to the penis.
Full erection must be achieved. Next, do the movements, as in masturbation. Before completing the process, you need to squeeze the penis near the head with your fingers, forming a ring. Remain in this position for 5-7 minutes. You can not squeeze the organ too much, you can injure it.
After Training Tips:
- Do not have sex for 2-3 hours, the body must rest;
- Try to get rid of bad habits, they do not provide progress in training;
- Avoid stressful situations;
- Eat right;
- Living an active lifestyle;
- Use small hangers like weights. They stretch muscle tissue.
The name is unique here. To do this exercise, the penis needs to achieve a full erection. After that, you need to do rotational movements with the pelvis. Movements should follow different directions alternately. Training takes about 5 minutes. With regular exercise, the penis will increase gradually.
As a result of Training
Every exercise has its pros and cons. Let's highlight them.
- According to experiments conducted, training for 4 months daily allows participants to enlarge their genitals by 1. 8 cm;
- Improves erectile function;
- No investment required.
- Training requires a lot of time, because training needs to be done not one, but in combination;
- Improper technique can cause damage to the penis;
- The results will not be instantaneous, it will take months.
For training to bring only significant benefits and results, you just need to follow all the suggestions and instructions.